Stay At Home Beauty Quarantine Style

What on earth can be done while we stay at home? Quarantine living isn't really so bad if you are learning new things. In my case, I spent the bulk of my time learning beauty hacks and mastering clean makeup looks. 

When we are able to go out and be free without the threat (however large or small you may consider it to be) we will be ready. Fresh faces, clean skin, well-rested eyes... Don't even get me started. I had a lot of time on my hands when this video was made. It may have very well been at the very beginning of the US learning about Sis. Rona, but hey, as always, you have to get in where you fit in.


April Johnson Simple Beauty Group






Learn more about skincare hacks, tips and tricks! You can find me on YouTube, Instagram, and of course Facebook. Looking forward to learning more about you.


Thinking about finding your best skincare routine, but not quite sure where to start? Let's connect and talk over virtual tea! Message me to book your appointment.